HOME The purpose of this site is to look into the science behind the many assumptions and projections that are made about the climate and our effect on it. Probably about 95% of decisions are made on the assumption that a 95% consensus of a selected group of ‘scientists’ is correct. Science is not about opinion; it is about measurable facts. So let us look at all the facts and assumptions from the beginning. Over 1000 technical papers have been published by independent scientists over the last 3 years, all showing that there is virtually no truth in the idea that CO 2 causes Global Warming or Climate Change. Recently, there have been more and more comments on the internet indicating that people are beginning to see the fallacy in the Net Zero policies of governments. You would think that before action was taken based on a theory, that theory would be tested to find out if there was any truth in it. The Greenhouse Effect is a theory that hasn’t been tested.
Independent Climate Science